The National Health Mission (NHM), Uttar Pradesh invites online applications for the post of Community Health Officers (CHOs). Under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme, GoUP envisioned to strengthen Sub-Health Centers as Health and Wellness Centers (HWCs)
for improved implementation of public health programmes and to enable comprehensive primary healthcare service delivery, including disease prevention and health promotion. Successful candidates shall be posted at Sub-Health Centers level HWCs as CHOs to work in coordination with primary healthcare team.
National Health Mission UP 4000 CHO Posts Details
NHM, U.P. is seeking applications from eligible candidates for 4000 contractual vacancies for Four Months training program in Certificate in Community Health for Nurses (CCHN), detail of which is mentioned below:
Category No. of Posts
UR 2202
EWS 550
OBC 1486
SC 1157
ST 110
total 4000
Eligibility Criteria of NHM UP CHO
- Qualification: General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM)-RNRM from a recognized Institute or B.Sc. Nursing or Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing from a recognized Institute/University.
- Less than 35 years of age as on dated 20th July 2022
- Candidates must be registered as Nurse and Midwife from UP Nurses & Midwives Council and have valid registration certificate at the time of online submission of application
Selection Procedure of NHM UP CHO Posts
Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria. Admission to Computer based Test will be purely provisional. Candidature will be subject to verification of details/documents uploaded at the time of online submission of application, when the candidate reports for document verification process (DVP), if shortlisted. No new document will be admitted at the time of DVP.
COMPUTER BASED ONLINE TEST: The Computer based Online Test will be held for duration of 2 hours (in one sitting) consisting of two sections of total 100 marks. Section-I (80 Marks) will consist of will consist of Professional Knowledge (Discipline related) and Section-II (20 Marks) will consist of General Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness and Basic Computer knowledge with 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ).
Each question will carry 1 mark and there is NO NEGATIVE marking for wrong answer. No marks will be awarded for un-attempted questions. The question paper shall be set in bilingual language i.e. English and Hindi only. However, in case of any inconsistency in Hindi version, the English version of the question shall be valid & final.
Syllabus of NHM UP CHO Recruitment
a. Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing;
b. Community Health Nursing;
c. Child Health Nursing;
d. Medical Surgical Nursing;
e. Health Education and Communication Skills & Environmental Hygiene;
f. Mental Health Nursing;
g. Nutrition;
h. First Aid;
i. Basic Anatomy and Physiology;
j. Administration and Ward Management
General Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness and Basic Computer Knowledge
How to Apply For NHM UP CHO?
The candidates shall apply through online mode only as per the qualifications and eligibility criteria indicated above. Candidates are required to apply On-line through NHM UP CHO website in English only. No other means/mode of submission of applications will be accepted under any circumstances. Candidates should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in on-line application.
Any mistake committed by the candidate shall be his/her sole responsibility. Once the application is submitted, no change/edit will be allowed, thereafter.
Candidates should enter their Name, Father’s Name and Date of Birth as recorded in the
Matriculation certificate only. In case of name change, candidates should indicate their changed Name only in the online application. However, other details should match with the Matriculation certificate. Date of such change (or) application for such change should be prior to the date of ONLINE registration.
The on-line registration process involves 02 (two) steps for successful filling up of the application form.
The candidates should ensure the completion of both the Step 1 and Step 2 of the registration process within the stipulated date. Candidates in their own interest are advised, not to wait till the last date & time and register their application well within the time. NHM shall not be held responsible, if the candidates are not able to submit their application due to last minute rush on account of heavy load on internet/website jam/disconnection etc.
Download NHM UP CHO Official Notification
Download official notification from our website. Download and see all details like age limit, number of posts, eligibility criteria, last date etc. now.